Thursday, May 16, 2013

Life: Healthy Living 101

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Today, I'm rejoining Weight Watchers. I've had success with the program in the past, but I'm currently at my highest weight in more than four years. I just typed that sentence without judgment or frustration. Instead, I'm choosing to approach this journey with radical self-compassion. Here's why:
Hating yourself thin doesn't work.
No, really. It doesn't. I've tried this approach dozens of times. I've been desperate, angry, and tearful. I've literally eaten myself sick out of self-loathing. And I'm tired of it. Because when I'm truly honest, I know this year has been incredibly stressful and challenging. I also know, without a doubt, that whenever I'm upset food makes me feel better (even if it's just temporary). That's something I need to work on.
I'm not sure how much of my weight loss experience I'll share on the blog, but in honor of rejoining Weight Watchers, I thought I'd offer some of the most valuable lessons I've learned in 15 years of dieting.