Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Food: Easter Baking

malted milk ball nests (recipe)
Shared holiday celebrations are one of the more difficult negotiations of married life. For the past several years, I've spent Easter with my husband's family. This year, we were with my parents and it was really fun to get reacquainted with some of our holiday traditions - specifically, Easter baking!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Life: Preface

photo credit
Hello! Grab a cup of coffee. Pull up a chair. I'm thrilled you've found Subject & Predicate.
Why Subject & Predicate? Because you need both for a complete sentence. Because you have to know the subject (what or whom) and the predicate (something about) before you understand the entire story. And that’s where things start to get interesting.
This blog has existed in my mind for close to two years. I've tried time and time again to narrow my enthusiasm for writing into something topical like design, cooking, or style. This process helped me realize I'm not passionate about something topical. I'm passionate about the act of writing. About crafting the perfect sentence. I'm passionate about the things in life that make you feel like writing. The moments that demand to be recorded.
So here we are at the beginning of the story. Fresh notebook, bright pink eraser, pens and pencils lined up on the desk. Let’s write.
Ellen Louise